Health Advice


Ashton Social Prescribing

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You can self-refer by dowiloading this leaflet

Ashton PCN Social Prescribing Tri fold Leaflet (3).pdf

Child Minor Illness

Children suffer many minor illnesses, this link will take you to a vast amount of advice for any concerns you may have

Home :: Healthier Together (

FGM (Female genital mutilation)

If you have had FGM, you can get help and support from your GP or other healthcare professionals. If you are concerned about any girl who may be at risk of FGM, tell a health professional or phone the NSPCC helpline 0800 028 3550, 24hrs a day. If you are worried that you may be pressured by your family or community to have FGM performed on your daughter, ask your GP, health visitor or other healthcare professionals for help

Please see the attached leaflet for further information
